This Metal Gear Solid: Revengeance mod is a ReShade Preset that offers a more realistic look to the game and performance friendly. Open Task Manager and check the process name used by the game (eg: MoonMan-Win64-Shipping.exe for Deliver Us The Moon). Metal Gear Rising: Retextureance (and Sega PC Petition) I preordered Metal Gear Rising on Steam the day it just appeared. Description: A ReShade Preset that offers a more realistic look to the game and performance friendly. Preset description:-DOF -VIBRANCE -REINHARDLINEAR -FXAA YOU HAVE TO DISABLE MSAA TO MAKE DOF WORK!!! YOU HAVE TO DISABLE MSAA TO MAKE DOF WORK!!! More Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Mods This Metal Gear Solid: Revengeance mod is a ReShade Preset that offers a more realistic look to the game and performance friendly. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance takes the renowned METAL GEAR franchise into exciting new territory by focusing on delivering an all-new action experience unlike anything that has come before. Open the patcher and select your executable location.

Advertisements Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Essentials -FXAA ReShade is known to be compatible with Steam overlay, MSI Afterburner, RivaTuner Statistics Server, RadeonPro, NVIDIA GeForce Experience and Fraps (chaining multiple of those however may not work). Decided to add music from youtube's audio library, i hope the chosen track is suitable for this video. Doktor described the Grad as dual-mode vehicle designed to function as either a bunker or a mobile combat vehicle. Quick graphics mod i made when playing the game and wanted to share.

Hey D-Ball fans I created yet another music mod, this time I inspired from one of my all-time favourite gaming franchise MGS! Aspect ratio overrides aren't supported yet.Open the patcher and select your executable location.