Might have to ask the Guardians of Azeroth team or the Elderkings team for help on that one. Add custom cultures and religons (Non reformable to begin with, then heresy then reformable.).Get rid of Generically generated characters and add cool lore characters in certain counties.The road map once the world map is finished is as follows. If I get emailed by a de- I mean a nice patron a good and comprehensible GW2 map then I will be happy to use it. This took a while and you are getting used to this map format. Lore wise this is unacruate since ORR's sinking and subsequent raising buggered up the coast some. You are right, I actually merged them together.

You might have noticed and said "WAIT! This isn't the map from GW2 or from GW1!" And yes. This is the map so far, it is black and white and in a PNG formatt because I can basically use it to copy and paste over to the BMP and DDS formatt without having to do a big pain in the arse. This might be for people that want to learn how to mod with me. So! Here is the the first Offical update of the mods thread!Land of our Dreams is set in GW2's Tyria, with the goal to be to script the events of the game up until PoF. But I am trying my best, and I will do it bit by bit. If you wanna help ask me so, but keep in mind that my knowledge base for modding in CK2 is about as deep puddle I messed my shoes up in this morning. I'll be posting weekly updates here and when there is enough interest in this quest I will make a discord server.

It's just me updating people that wanted to know some more about the mod. I know literally nothing! I am figuring things out as I go and am handling the map (the hardest part I think) first! Here is the link to the OG thread. As you've probably guessed it's set in Tyria and is quite and en-devour for just myself. As the title says I am making a total Conversion mod.